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Why Adobe Premiere Pro Sucks

Sep 28, 2007
This is ridiculous now... Just spent half an hour going through lots of different file types and bit rates so I can render one 2 min long video I made and what does it go and do? It saves it as file types in the regeon of 100 to 400mb big! Its only a 2 min long video, barely any detailed effects or anything.

try finding a proper way to export the file. I know with fireworks that the file will be huge unless i export it, generally with the export wizard, and set it for web size and it will cut down the file size and with only minimal loss of quality.
Rhith said:
try finding a proper way to export the file. I know with fireworks that the file will be huge unless i export it, generally with the export wizard, and set it for web size and it will cut down the file size and with only minimal loss of quality.

I am exporting it the way your supposed to. Just searched around and according to people on premiere forums 100mb for a 1 min video is reasonable :o

Trying Xvid codecs now, apparently that works.

Edit: Xvid just crashes premiere...
wow, there's also a difference between "supposed to" and "logical" people are probably thinking for professional quality. keep looking around and see what your options are.
adobe premiere is defaulted to render the video in it's pretty highest quality at it's full resolution. i use it to pretty much to render video for web, so by changing some of the settings when you're about to render, it will make a big difference size wise
With Premier you have to go and choose a different type. You can compress it down to next to nothing for a 1 min vid, but that's lossy compression. Default is more like DVD quality, and thats 4.7+Gb for a movie. Go to File -> Export -> Adobe Media Encoder

And I take it this is a fully legal copy you paid for that you're complaining about? ;)
pseudonomen137 said:
And I take it this is a fully legal copy you paid for that you're complaining about?  ;)
lol... I torrented Photoshop CS3 once but I thought it was crap so I deleted it... :D I don't know why I didnt just use the free trial to test it out. ;D

I thought Dreamweaver was pretty cool though... I think you need a basic understanding of HTML beforehand....
Im a industrail design student and all we use for 2D work is Adobe products, CS3 is'nt much better than CS2, a few extra features which i have no idea how to use and CS3 eats your pc's memory. Still awesome software
pseudonomen137 said:
With Premier you have to go and choose a different type. You can compress it down to next to nothing for a 1 min vid, but that's lossy compression. Default is more like DVD quality, and thats 4.7+Gb for a movie. Go to File -> Export -> Adobe Media Encoder

And I take it this is a fully legal copy you paid for that you're complaining about? ;)

Thanks, I will try that.
the problem with photoshop cs3 is that it install so much crap on your computer which at the same time makes the install process take forever. I went ahead and made a custom install of cs3 by changing a few lines of code in an installer file where it would let me choose exactly what i wanted to install. i just pretty much installed the necessary files, no bridge or bonjour or any of that other crap. and it made a huge difference, my photoshop opens much faster than the cs2 i had and everything works just fine
I only have Adobe PS7, Premiere Pro, Image Ready and a old version of Acrobat on my computer so no rubbish from them. Although I didnt choose to have Image Ready, it came with PS7.

I have sorted the premiere pro problem now, thanks to pseudonomen137 for that :)
