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FrozenGate by Avery

Which unit to buy for astronomy?


Feb 13, 2014
I've been browsing and searching this forum on and off for the past few years, and bought my first unit (A 3-5mW LaserGlow Anser) based off of an older thread recommending LaserGlow as a top reseller. I've had it for over a year now, and I am very happy with the quality and consistency of the laser. I purchased it with the intent of using it for astronomy; I want people within fifteen feet or so to easily see the beam so that I can point out celestial objects. However, my experience with the Anser is that it is only powerful enough to easily see the beam when my eyes are just a few inches off-axis, which doesn't help me when I'm trying to point out objects to people that are standing several feet away. So, my Anser has been relegated to more indoor-type usage such as presentations.

Because of this, I was looking to get something slightly above 5mW, which puts LaserGlow out of the running because they won't ship such units to the US customers. I've tried searching the forum for reputable suppliers of 5mW+ units to US customers, but the threads I've found seem outdated. For example, I saw recommendations that Nova Lasers' units were making it through customs... but they seem to be out of the business for now.

So my question- what particular units (reseller and specific model would be greatly appreciated) do you all recommend for astronomy purposes? I'm not looking for something extremely powerful or even necessarily 532nm, I just want something that will be easily visible for astronomy pointing.

My requirements:
-Take AA or AAA batteries, preferably compatible with NiMH Eneloops
-Be well-made. I love my Anser's build quality.
-Have a relatively consistent beam
-Have a beam clearly visible at night from 10-15 feet away
-Be able to ship to the USA

Thank you so much for your help (past and present as I've lurked for a while and found great information) and any recommendations!

Hey dqniel,

50mW will be enough for astronomy purposes. The beam on such a pointer will be easily seen by you, and the surrounding group.

laserbtb.com sells a 50mW unit for only $30(shipping excluded), and their pointers quality is top-notch. Here is the link below if you are interested:
LP 515nm 532nm 1-150

Best of luck ;)

Thank you for your prompt response and help Greenlander!

Do you know if people located in the United States have had issues with the 50mW units from laserbtb getting to their destination?

Also, is 50mW too powerful? I want it to be bright enough to be easily visible, but not so bright that it will attract attention from overzealous law enforcement :) Obviously, I won't be pointing it anywhere near planes, but I don't want to cause any trouble.

Thanks again for the help!
Thank you for your prompt response and help Greenlander!

Do you know if people located in the United States have had issues with the 50mW units from laserbtb getting to their destination?

Also, is 50mW too powerful? I want it to be bright enough to be easily visible, but not so bright that it will attract attention from overzealous law enforcement :) Obviously, I won't be pointing it anywhere near planes, but I don't want to cause any trouble.

Thanks again for the help!

Not that I can remember. Most, if not all laserbtb lasers make it to their destination without a problem :)

50mW is perfect for astronomy because (as stated previously) the beam will be easily seen for the people around you, but won't be bright enough to be seen on the other side of a city for example.

If you have anymore questions, just ask!

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Thanks so much. I think I'm now in the market for a 50mW unit from laserbtb :)

Perhaps I'll order one today
Alright, I ordered a 50mW pointer from laserbtb. I made sure to put in the order comments that I was from the US, so hopefully they'll be able to foresee any potential issues.

Thanks again for your help, Greenlander.
Alright, I ordered a 50mW pointer from laserbtb. I made sure to put in the order comments that I was from the US, so hopefully they'll be able to foresee any potential issues.

Thanks again for your help, Greenlander.

Great! Make sure to post a review when the laser arrives! :) Now the hard part will be waiting for it haha.
I received a confirmation of the order, and an email saying that delivery to the US shouldn't be an issue. Hopefully they're right.

If and when it arrives, I'll post a mini review of both the store and the laser. Thanks again for your help, Greenlander.
