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Which light spectrum and wavelength would be best adapted to deep tissue therapeutic applications?

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New member
May 18, 2024
Hi everyone. My name is David. I am a complete newbie looking into lasers to help me find the best lightwave frequency as part of an alternative therapeutic protocol.
I am not asking for anyone to stick their neck out and give medical advice, and I am aware of the legal ramifications of taking my health into my own hands, but have very good reasons for needing to do so.
I’m open to the idea of either purchasing a laser device or attempting to build one myself, but have no idea where to start? I doubt that I need more than a low power laser, since I do not wish to expose myself to anything aggressive or harmful.

I’ve been looking on Ebay, Etsy, Aliexpress and Temu after finding nothing of interest on Amazon, but I don’t know of any other reputable alternatives, so any suggestions for websites which ship to or are within the EU would be welcome.

I intend purchasing a 365nm UV flashlight in any case, due to the wide range of potential applications which I might find useful, but when I began looking for infrared spectrum lasers I quickly found myself out of my depth, since I had no idea which wavelength to choose, and those few available on Temu offered wavelengths I didn’t recognise at all.

One of the first therapeutic laser devices I came across on Aliexpress claimed to be a Terrahertz wave device, and these all seemed to be selling at exorbitant prices for what would be little more than a hair dryer if the Terrahertz claim turned out to be fictitious ;), in addition to the fact that they were all mains powered, which would be inconvenient for me. From the little information I’ve managed to find online on the subject of Terrahertz frequency wavelengths, if genuine such a device might indeed be very useful to me, since it is considered very safe yet effective for therapeutic applications.

Someone on another website recommended a 5mW 635nm infrared or green laser. Would that be the right frequency and wavelength for this type of use?
Another recommendation was for a full spectrum light, but all I could find were plant grow lamps, and I don’t see how I could make use of those designs in this specific context?
What I need primarily is a laser which can penetrate deep into the body tissues without causing damage, and it only needs to affect a small area. But I don’t know whether the ability to produce localised heat would be an advantage in my use scenario, or whether the therapeutic effects would be produced just by using the most adequate infrared frequency, which need not necessarily produce heat?
I would appreciate any help or advice. I am based in Spain in the EU, so I need to keep the costs to a minimum, taking into account customs import duties etc. Thank you.
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LPF is a laser pointer hobbyist website, not physicians, mot lawyers,and cannot give any medical or legal advice. No professional medical or legal advice is available or possible on LPF
LPF is a laser hobbyist website, not physicians, mot lawyers,and cannot give any medical or legal advice.
No professional medical or legal advice is available or possible on LPF
Thank you, I understand that, and am aware of the legal implications as well as the ramifications of taking my health into my own hands, but I am not looking for medical advice per se, so you need not worry about that :).
I have now edited my original post to better reflect what I am asking, as well as to reflect what I have said in this reply. So perhaps you may feel you have something more to add in the light of these clarifications?

What I need to know is which wavelengths would be useful in a therapeutic device, and where to source them aside from Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress and Temu. The reason for considering the DIY route is that the prices for these types of device seem exorbitant to me, especially given that it’s very difficult to know whether such a device is capable of producing Terrahertz waves as they claim. If not, at best they could be described as glorified hair dryers ;).

I’m also wondering whether I might not achieve comparable results using a 5mW 635nm infrared or green laser, for example, as one person recommended on another website? For practical purposes I was also looking for handheld laser pointer type devices, or the flashlight type, but only found what was described as ‘red light’ or ‘green light’, rather than lasers, but then again, UV light spectrum flashlights are also described in the same way on these websites. But I find the terminology confusing - are they, or aren’t they laser devices if they use these frequencies?
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I'm going to close this thread. As stated no one here is qualified to offer any medical uses for lasers. Speak to a professional about it.
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