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What's the strongest laser on the market?

Sep 14, 2007
Hello everyone!

Newbie to the forums with a question here. I've been looking around to max out my arsenal with the strongest laser around. Of course, I first thought that my answers would lie in the hands of WickedLaser's Spyder II GX. Not long after would I find Techlaser's CrossFire series, which appeared to overpower it in twofold.

And as I've looked around this forum and seen the...let's say "shadiness" about the companies company, I figured I'd just ask everyone that's had some experience:

Where can I get the most power in a laser for the best price?

Well it will be an IR laser but Justing @ www.laserglow.com if you talk to him can make you a 1.1 Watt scorpius laser. Or if you want Green the Hercules series made by laserglow is the most powerful 532nm handheld i know of. You can also talk to justin to get higher powers in this than requested on the site. but it will cost you.
I can get you a higher power of that 808nm laser ;), and at a better price. What are you looking for thought? If you're only interested in portable green lasers, the 400+mW Hercules from laserglow is about the tops. If you are interested in non-portable lasers, the sky is the limit with over 100W of green available if you have infinite $.

If you don't need it to be green and only care about burning power, I can order up to 1.5W portable, and you may be able to custom-build even more.
Yeah, it depends on whether you want something highly visible or just raw power. So far, the most powerful green that we have ever produced was a Hercules-550, but there was only one. At the moment we have a few Hercules models ranging from 400 to 500mW sustained output power.

If you just want power and it doesn't need to bee very visible, then we can do the handheld 808nm "special" Scorpius up to just over a Watt. Aserus (on this forum) purchased one which was producing 1.1W total output and he posted a pretty awesome video of it in the Multimedia section. We can produce this kind of laser in about 3-4 weeks.
Much thanks to the quick response.

@ pseudonomen137, I think the Hercules 400 is exactly what I'm looking for, but I greatly appreciate any help you can offer, either through advice and/or money. :)
IIRC the most pwoerful laser in existance is a METHL, then eitehr YAG or CO2 (all three being IR, interestingly enough)

@ justin: what's the $$$ on that scorpion? $700?
Hey, just how big is the Hercules?

I'd be willing to give up some power for a little bit of portability.
Phantom of the Opera said:
Hey, just how big is the Hercules?

Its a multi-tool. It doubles as a baseball bat when you're not lasering with it.

(I think laserglow posts the actual size on their site)
;D Oh my. That may be too big for me.

Okay, here's a challenge for you fellow laserheads: I challenge you to find the perfect mix of power, price and portability.
This is how big the Herc is.

The middle laser is the >1 watt Hades/Scorpious or whatever. It's the same laser body as a Aries or Nova Series laser.

The bottom laser is a RPL.

Hey Justin if you see this,what's the latest on the Herc?
Phantom of the Opera said:
;D Oh my. That may be too big for me.

Okay, here's a challenge for you fellow laserheads: I challenge you to find the perfect mix of power, price and portability.
Have you checked out our Optotronics RPL series?
We just recently introduced the RPL-350

Here's a link to a video we put up in the multimedia section showing the RPL doing way over 400mW...and it pretty portable and easy to carry in your pocket.

We only have a few of the RPL-350 lasers as they are really rare.

Phantom of the Opera said:
Okay, here's a challenge for you fellow laserheads: I challenge you to find the perfect mix of power, price and portability.

I'd go with an rpl. I've got oodles of lasers and the RPL is still my favorite. It can go in your pocket and it feels really solid. the beam specs are awesome, and the shutter if the best I've seen. It really keeps stuff out.
