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FrozenGate by Avery

Whats the difference?

Sep 28, 2007
Does anyone know what the difference would be between DragonLasers Viper 125mW and their Hulk 75 - 100mW other than the 20mW difference and the price.

the hulk is a bigger laser than the pen style viper, with a 100% duty cycle (can be left on indefinitely), a bigger beam diameter (so less burning power per mW as it's spread over a larger area), a constant on switch (you press it, and it stays on til you press it again, unlike a pen style where you keep the button held down), and an aperture shutter.
marianne said:
the hulk is a bigger laser than the pen style viper, with a 100% duty cycle (can be left on indefinitely), a bigger beam diameter (so less burning power per mW as it's spread over a larger area), a constant on switch (you press it, and it stays on til you press it again, unlike a pen style where you keep the button held down), and an aperture shutter.

Hmm ok, so bigger beam diameter the easier to see I assume?

I have a Viper 75mW at the moment and looking at the Hulks for my laser shows as in theory my Viper isn't supposed to be switched on for longer than 7 seconds.
7 seconds?? eep. as for a fatter beam being more visible, well... i would assume that a fatter beam would be dimmer, as the light was spread out over a larger area.
