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FrozenGate by Avery

What should I purchase to get this diode working at full power?

Aug 21, 2016
Hello, I am thinking of building a laser with this diode. I was wondering what drivers and whatnot I would need to get this diode to output the 6-7 watts shown on the page. Also does anyone know of a way to add like a rotary dial to adjust the power levels, so I could turn it down to 1 watt or up to 7 kind of deal. Thank you for the help. Also what batteries do you recommend I run with this?

IPam, you are all over the place my friend with posts and question's and i'm understanding your excitement but,,,,
the link you posted has just about all the info you asked for.
Dtr give a pretty thorough explanation with every diode he sells..
Asking a for a variable adjustable on the fly driver is quite ambitious if you haven't built much before???
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If you actually look at and read the DTR site, he also sells drivers, modules, and lenses to go with the diodes he sells.

email DTR.
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IPam, you are all over the place my friend with posts and question's and i'm understanding your excitement but,,,,
the link you posted has just about all the info you asked for.
Dtr give a pretty thorough explanation with every diode he sells..
Asking a for a variable adjustable on the fly driver is quite ambitious if you haven't built much before???

Yeah I haven't done much before but I was thinking if the host had the knob already I could integrate it, Im not sure. thanks for the help
I never built one with a Black Buck 8 driver which is the only one that "I" know of that can adjust on the fly but from what iv'e seen you will probably need a custom host unless someone can modify for example some thing like Survival lasers SX4 host which will be at least the minimum size host to handle a NUM44 diode.
2 or 3 18650 batterys will also be minimum for run time..
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I never built one with a Black Buck 8 driver which is the only one that "I" know of that can adjust on the fly but from what iv'e seen you will probably need a custom host unless someone can modify for example some thing like Survival lasers SX4 host which will be at least the minimum size host to handle a NUM44 diode.
2 or 3 18650 batterys will also be minimum for run time..

Thank you for that! If I do use a diode and driver from DTR how do I fit it into a custom host, like are battery terminals set up for an easy connection to the host usually? I have only ever used Survival laser hosts but agree with how many batteries I should use to be 2-3 and can the sx4 be modified to hold 3 or only 2? thanks
You will have to have a communication with any builder you might find. A custom host is built from scratch.
No one can really help at this point till you find a builder..
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You will have to have a communication with any builder you might find. A custom host is built from scratch.
No one can really help at this point till you find a builder..

Okay, thank you for all of the help! Do you recommend any builders?
Okay, thank you for all of the help! Do you recommend any builders?

Lifetime17 and badboybilly are 2 great builders I’ve been seeing a lot of work from lately, but there are several others who also do quality work.
Lifetime17 and badboybilly are 2 great builders I’ve been seeing a lot of work from lately, but there are several others who also do quality work.

Totally agree Gazen !!
I use both Rich (Lifetime17 - in the USA) and Billy (badboybilly - in Australia).

Awesome Legends - both of them.

I suppose you picked this diode because it is the highest power one we have in the visible spectrum. But, it has horrible divergence and without some special corrective optics it puts out a line instead of a dot....like I think you are expecting.
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I suppose you picked this diode because it is the highest power one we have in the visible spectrum. But, it has horrible divergence and without some special corrective optics it puts out a line instead of a dot....like I think you are expecting.

Thanks Paul, which one would you reccomend for the best dot. You are right I just went for the highest power, I just want to be able to burn paper wood from a little bit away with it if possible.
If I were going to buy a diode for burning from a distance and still have a nice tight dot, I'd be thinking about a BDR-209 405nm 'Bluray'.

An NDB7875 has the same divergence as the M140s, but at 2.4 amps puts out 3 watts. I would have to say that it has the tightest beam for a 445nm 3 watt or higher power.
If I were going to buy a diode for burning from a distance and still have a nice tight dot, I'd be thinking about a BDR-209 405nm 'Bluray'.

Thanks for that Astro, that won't be as powerful as the NDB7875 that Paul suggested would it be? Do you think this is better than the NDB7875 for burning? thanks

An NDB7875 has the same divergence as the M140s, but at 2.4 amps puts out 3 watts. I would have to say that it has the tightest beam for a 445nm 3 watt or higher power.
Sounds like what I am looking for, would this be easy to see in light the beam? also do you know how far I can focus it for the dot to still be visible? Thanks

EDIT:Sorry I see its discontinued, is there another one you would recommend?
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