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FrozenGate by Avery

What Power is suited for me?

Jun 29, 2015
5mW doesnt seem bright at all. I want strongly visible at night to shine at friend's apartment long range (safely)
& mess with goats. Popping balloons & lighting matches would be cool but I dont wanna wear goggles. Best power and site?

Budget: $30 unless convinced otherwise

Don't shine it at your friends apartment. Don't mess with goats either. Do some reading here, learn to be a responsible laser enthusiast.
It is going to be tough as you put up two main obstacles right off the bat. A $30 budget and not wearing safety glasses. You will need a minimum of around 50mW to burn and any laser that is above 5mW needs safety glasses unless you are >very< careful and point it across the yard at a tree or other non-reflective surface.
A green colored beam is the brightest verses power output in most cases so you will most probably want to go with green. Other members here have links to the best site so they will help you with that.

Where are you from as that will be a factor on price/shipping.

Welcome to the forum. Have fun and be safe.

+ Rep for you Davidx :gj:
You are absolutely right as pointing a laser at a building is dangerous due to uncontrolled reflections and other renters can complain due to harassment.
Any laser over 5mW is dangerous to the eyes of humans, pets and goats.
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You made a thread about this already. No need to make another one.
Thank you so much for being informative & Welcoming, laser chick!

I was not planning to shine the laser in a goat's eye... I aim for the ground and see if they follow. The infrastructure of the building and elevation I will have puts no one but me at risk of hazard.

I do not believe all users here truly shine the lasers in confined areas or merely at stars so I would rather acquire knowledge here rather than beat around the bush & say it's for laboratory purposes and put someone's safety at peril.

I am in Canada, apparently laserglow won't ship anything above 5mW, advice?
Thanks, gozert for your help earlier but no one was replying anymore in it & I'm hasty to buy a laser today

That's no valid reason to make another thread. We helped answer your questions and gave you advice on what to buy. You can either get a 5mW laser from Laserglow/Optotronics. Or get a 50mW-ish laser from a company like Gearbest.
Laserglow is charging $60CDN for their cheapest 5mW laser & they won't ship anything stronger to Canada unless I'm certified. Where can I get 50+mW for less than $60 (long lasting laser)?
Laserglow is charging $60CDN for their cheapest 5mW laser & they won't ship anything stronger to Canada unless I'm certified. Where can I get 50+mW for less than $60 (long lasting laser)?

Laserglow is charging $60 because they are selling a tested, good quality product. If you want something better for the same or less then you must sacrifice quality.
Laserglow is charging $60 because they are selling a tested, good quality product. If you want something better for the same or less then you must sacrifice quality.

You are right, they make their Galileo laser sound amazing over the phone but it is out of my price range. Is their cheapest green laser (Ans) for $60 the best thing out there, quality-wise? And I am willing to sacrifice some quality if it means half the price or much stronger power lol
You are right, they make their Galileo laser sound amazing over the phone but it is out of my price range. Is their cheapest green laser (Ans) for $60 the best thing out there, quality-wise? And I am willing to sacrifice some quality if it means half the price or much stronger power lol

May I ask, what age are you? :thinking:
You could get a batch of cheap pointers that are marked <5 me on fleabay. You will get at least one freak in the batch that will show a beam at night. If you can see the beam then goggles are must have.
May I ask, what age are you? :thinking:

Good question, diachi---you notice you never got an answer --I thought to ask the same question as all this guys threads scream either troll or young kid.

In the LPF , Terms of Use see #3 here: http://laserpointerforums.com/tou.htm
"3. Eligibility
You must be the age of majority as that is defined in your jurisdiction to visit or use the Website in any manner. You represent and warrant to Laser Pointer Forums that You have reached the age of majority in your jurisdiction, and that You have the right, authority and capacity to agree to and abide by this Agreement. You also represent and warrant to Laser Pointer Forums that You will use the Website in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations."

In Canada, the age of majority is 18 in six provinces: Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. The age of majority is 19 in four provinces and the three territories: British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, and Yukon
Im not going to answer that because it's fuel to insult me/you guys are looking for a fight.

Abyways, any1 know any cost-efficient, powerful first laser that can freely be sent to Canada? Either you're all making a laser from scratch or have the 1year certificate for wielding strong lasers
