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FrozenGate by Avery

What laser would be best for destroying a camera sensor?

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New member
Dec 13, 2021
It's my understanding that even a strong handheld laser has very little effect on a camera sensor until you're within a few meters. If I set my old beater Nikon DSLR on a stump 60ft away (max backyard distance) while it records video, what would be the most efficient way to destroy the camera sensor with a laser? I don't know what material the sensor itself is made of.

Maybe try a cheaper camera? Someone could get use out of that DSLR no? And light is light, it shouldn’t matter how far away you are unless you want it focused to a point. A strong laser focused to infinity should do the job at longer distances than a few meters
The problem with trying to damage a camera sensor at long distances is hitting the sensor. It is not at all easy to do. If you were trying to do with with a moving camera it might be nearly impossible to line the beam up with the camera sensor.
I'm bored and it makes me feel like I'm doing something cool like in Ocean's 11 rather than burning a piece of paper.
Closing thread. We don't condone such uses for lasers. No idea who's camera you want to take out but destruction of property is a huge no no, sorry
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