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FrozenGate by Avery

What is the Best Laser Under $60?


New member
Jul 15, 2019
I am trying to choose a laser primarilly for astronomy but one that could also be used for minor engravings. I am leaning towards a green handheld laser because of visibility/focus point, but may also consider blue because I have read that it may be the more feasible at this price point. I have seen some ebay blue "500" mw that turn out to be 1500mw for around $50, but have read that logic rarely applies to green lasers and that cheaper green can leak (is it really dangerous?) infared light. Would love to hear any opinions.

If you want high quality hand held lasers with accurate output specs buy from manufacturers not one of 10,000 resellers all selling the same cheapie lasers.:
see: https://www.jetlasers.org/index.php and

Pretty much $60 and below is all low end, mass produced, poor quality, and much of the time misrepresented products that are offered by resellers + all of them have limited duty cycle,--meaning time on/time off cycle to avoid thermal damage. Is just a matter of the style of the host/shell mostly.

Try out a focusable laser 301 or Laser 303 532nm green for $5 to $10 from ebay--see what you think. It is good enough for astronomy pointing being on for short periods of time. Get a really good and more powerful one when you have more money available to spend
Minor engraving meaning what---actual engraving is a specialized activity?
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To quote paul1598419, "I would stay away from all gattling style lasers as they are all crap, but I have a Thor H dual power that isn't bad at all."

Blue lasers at these powers are generally brighter then green 532nm pointers and can burn thing, but have worse beam quality. If you are serious about the UFO thing, don't ever attempt that. Sky pointing needs to be done very carefully, as lasers can blind aircraft pilots from huge distances.
