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FrozenGate by Avery

What current for a 532 laser?

Mar 6, 2011
Hello, I got a green (532nm) laser a few years ago. It was always working fine. It wasn't as stable as I whish it was but this wasn't a problem. Since a few days I registred a increased amount of instability. I figured out what the switch was really sensitive so even small amounts of movement caused the laser to dim and go bright again by a huge amount. So I decidet to tear it apart to fix the switch. Currently I have it halved, so one half is the laser module and the other the driver and battery case. I can't get the driver out currently. There is just too much glue.
The laser was a 300mW one but has some peaks over 500mW. I connected it to my lab power supply and it worked fine. At about 1A it was at 1,73V and way more stable than powered by a battery. Does somebody know the current I should not exceed? I want to build it in a new housing.

greetings, MrMcChicken

Common pump diode powers are 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, and 2.5 watts. A GUESS would be 2W for that output power, which would be about 2.1A drive current. I would find out what current the original driver was putting out and use that as a reference.
Common pump diode powers are 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, and 2.5 watts. A GUESS would be 2W for that output power, which would be about 2.1A drive current. I would find out what current the original driver was putting out and use that as a reference.

Thank you. So I ripped the driver out. This was quite a bit of work. I had to grind the thing open. It was actually around 2,2A. I think I will build a 2A driver, just in case.
