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FrozenGate by Avery

voice could be heard before the phone was answered

Jun 7, 2007
I called my girlfriend, and while there was the dial tone, i was whistling to my bird. When she answered she told me she could hear whistling as well as her ringtone, i told her i was just whistling to my bird. So we decided to try again, this time I talked as I called. When she picked up she said she heard it and repeated exactly what I said.
Weird and awesome I guess.:p

Re: voice could be heard before the phone was answ

your phone is sending out what you say, its just odd that her phone mixed it in o.0
tell her to set her ring tone to something quiet so she can listen in on people haha
Re: voice could be heard before the phone was answ


When people dont pick up im usually screaming at that person to pick up the phone...maybe I should not do that...
Re: voice could be heard before the phone was answ


well wouldn't that be awkward ska8r ;)

i've got to stop doing that myself...

perhaps you've found a way to get quick messages through cost free?
