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Visible trace in daylight

Jan 24, 2007
I am new to lasers and I would like to see a trace in daylight. Can you give me any suggestions?
I just bought a 50mw Dragon laser and do not plan on looking right at the beam. Do you think I should wear goggles anyway???

Anything above 35mw can be dangerous to your eyes (I MAY have the mw wrong - someone correct, or confirm, please) At any rate - any time you mess with a laser, if you stare at the dot, or the scatter as it bounces off on object, it is potentially dangerous. Be safe - you can always get another laser - but not eyes...they are kinda hard to come by.
from what ive read anything above 55mw need goggles

but um yea just be careful
as long as the beam doesnt go into ur eyes either directly or reflection, you should be fine
