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FrozenGate by Avery

Uvex vs Arora buy goggles

Dec 27, 2013
I just received today two pairs of Uvex S1933X goggles.
I tried them with a few cheap China pointers. As expected, red isn't blocked at all. Then I tried 532 green... This is a grossly overspec pointer. I don't have a LPM but I wouldn't be surprised if it's around 80-100 mW. The dot without goggles is almost too bright to watch on a light wall.
With the goggles on, I can definitely still see green. Way dimmer, totally non-painful to look at, but green nonetheless.
Then I tried them with the 405 pointer. This too gets way dimmer - i.e. without them, the dot actually appears as a large "smudge" on the wall; but with the goggles on, it looks like a tiny dot... but I still see its purple color. Of course they don't block most fluorescing at all.
Now I'm wondering if they can be safe to use with my two bigger lasers that just arrived - a 130 mW 532, and a 1.5W+ 450. Can I look at the dots through these goggles? What about burning?

Then, looking online, I found these:
Buy China safety goggles from Aurabuy - Free Shipping
They're dirt cheap... Has anyone tried them? How do they compare to the Uvex I have? Would they be an acceptable basic protection i.e. for bystanders in the room? I've searched the forum but couldn't find any info about them...

