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FrozenGate by Avery

Two lasers from Blord


Nov 12, 2014
Hello everyone. Last November I saw a video of a guy killing an aiptasia anemone (reef aquarium pest) with a laser, and I knew I had to have one. I was having problems with aiptasia at the time, and while using a laser isn’t necessarily the most efficient way of killing these pests, it is certainly the most badass. With this in mind, I find myself with three (only reviewing my best two) cool ass lasers now, and I am here to review them.

1700mW, 445nm blue laser built by Blord
This was the first laser I purchased—I purchased it last November (yeah, I know, a little late on the review). The laser is beautiful, and I have had a blast with it. Unfortunately, it has not been able to serve my purpose of burning through aiptasia anemones in my reef tank. Still, it is fun shining it in the sky at nighttime (avoiding airplanes, of course), and shining it in the large field near my house. The laser broke earlier this year--I accept the blame for that, as I put the batteries in backwards. I sent it back to Blord and he repaired it for me. He seems like a nice guy and is very helpful.
At $100USD, the laser is reasonably priced. Shipping to my house in Mississippi was only $18, it took a couple of weeks to arrive.

I got it here.

Image in my hand. It's pretty big.


2700mW, 445nm blue laser built by Blord
Remember how I said that my other laser broke and Blord repaired it for me? Well, I decided since I was paying for shipping again I might as well order another. I literally just got it 3 hours ago from when I am writing this. So far, I have been very satisfied with the laser. Unlike my 1700mW, it was able to successfully zap the aiptasia in my tank. As you can see by the pictures, I opted for a gold host so that I can differentiate it from the other laser. The only problem I have with it is that the damn wrist strap is too small!

It's a little pricey at $170 but I like it. Again, I got it here.


And... killing Mojano (type of reef aquarium pest anemone)! You can hear it start to sizzle at around 0:10
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They both say 1700mw

I assume the second is 2700mw according to the video

Regardless blord is a fantastic builder. Good pictures and video.
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They both say 1700mw

I assume the second is 2700mw according to the video

Regardless blord is a fantastic builder. Good pictures and video.

Thanks. I copied and pasted that title, forgot to change it. :drunk:
