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FrozenGate by Avery

Thor M2 3W outputs less power by the day


New member
Apr 4, 2019
Hey, guys, been having some problems with my Thor M2 laser, as you might have seen on my intro post ever Since i got it a couple months ago its been working perfectmy and measuring around 3.2W on Fresh batteries and around 2.9-3W when not full. Problem Is three days ago it started losing power, to the point it only measures about 2.6W on used batteries and 2.7/2.8 at most on fresh ones, i've tried different batteries and the same result, it just seems to be making less AND less power as days go by, i've dissassembled it but the focusing Lens seems ok, at least at first glance AND current draw Is steady at 1.82/1.83A just like it was before, Any ideas? Thanks!

Measured on a Pocket Tornado LPM, other lasers measured for More than a month on this same LPM AND keep measuring the same power

Update: measured the laser without the focusing assembly, measured 3.6W, so the problem seems to be the focusing Lens, Anyone sell these for these lasers? Or should injusto contact LPS?
If your Thor M2 uses a standard 9mm x 0.5mm threaded lens holder, you can get a variety of different replacement lenses from DTR's store.
Your lens may be dirty, in which case, the debris may be burned into the lens, and is not repairable, or if it's plastic, it may have started to melt.
Hi, you mentioned removing the focusing assembly to measure the output, may I ask how that went for you in terms of actually removing it? I just got a thor m2 3W and I've tried to unscrew the focusing assembly only for it to seemingly tighten again at the extreme end, and I was not able to actually remove it. Did you have a similar experience, or is this something that is potentially specific to mine? In searching I have seen that it is apparently supposed to just unscrew, so I'm wondering if it's just an issue with my particular unit. Thanks in advance.
Hi, you mentioned removing the focusing assembly to measure the output, may I ask how that went for you in terms of actually removing it? I just got a thor m2 3W and I've tried to unscrew the focusing assembly only for it to seemingly tighten again at the extreme end, and I was not able to actually remove it. Did you have a similar experience, or is this something that is potentially specific to mine? In searching I have seen that it is apparently supposed to just unscrew, so I'm wondering if it's just an issue with my particular unit. Thanks in advance.
Take a set of needle tip pliers and unscrew the crown top and you'll se the focusing Lens assembly with Two holes at the top just use the pliers to grab the focusing assembly holes and unscrew, theres an o ring st the top so once it stops unscrewing just pull it out carefully
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Take a set of needle tip pliers and unscrew the crown top and you'll se the focusing Lens assembly with Two holes at the top just use the pliers to grab the focusing assembly holes and unscrew, theres an o ring st the top so once it stops unscrewing just pull it out carefully
Thanks for the quick reply! I may have mislabeled the part I was thinking of, so maybe I should just describe what I want to do and that may help some. I'd like to access the driver so as to adjust the potentiometer to give it a bit of a boost of output. The part I was thinking of is the external bit that you turn to focus the beam, which was my understanding that it can completely unscrew. Hopefully that helps, and thanks again!
I wonder if it has a decanned blue diode in it. These have been found to lose power quickly over time. If you can look at the front of the diode and it doesn't have a window, but has a bare emitter instead, this would indicate a decanned diode.
