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Thor M 2 problems, how to take apart?

Aug 4, 2018
Ok guys, I just ordered a thor m2, was great for couple seconds until I turned the beam adjustment and it turned off. Switched batteries nothing. I thought maybe it was button problem so I took a wire and touched the battery and housing and nothing. Messing around some how I managed to turn it on. Turned it off went out side turned on fine, turned it off to turn adjustment and it didnt turn back on. Tried turning the adjustment several times all the way in and back out nothing. How can I unscrew the house of adjustment it just stops in either direction and doesnt turn any more. Also, any suggestions from you awesome laser heads. Thanks in advanced.

Ps. I would hate to have to return this and wait longer.

It's probably best to just return it and get a new one or something of higher quality. Make sure its not a simple connectivity or battery error first.
I understand that, that's why I need help taking it apart. The center will spin either direction for dot adjustment then stop. How do I take it apart. It's not the button so it has to be in the front because I took a wire to battery and metal post. Thanks
They're aren't all that many active members on the forum, have some patience. Wait a few days before bumping. Do you mean the focus adjuster by the "center (that) will spin either direction for dot adjustment"? I don't own a thor but it is likely glued together.

Members that own one feel free to chime in
Mythical Milk, as Gazen mentioned in post #3, do the "simple" connectivity checks and battery checks, which it seems you have already done; taking apart the front end which is probably glued, is more than you should need to do.

As previously stated, look into returning it, since it is new. If you take apart the sealed parts I have to believe that the seller probably won't want to exchange your Thor for a new one.
I probably will return it but if it's a simple fix I'd rather do that than wait. I just was hoping that the center beam adjustment would some how be able to get unscrewed some special way with out having to pull the front lenses out from the glue.
It would be nice if these lasers would simply unscrew, but the Chinese seem to be in love with glue, and they tend to use it liberally.
Most of the time it seems that heat is the best way to loosen these joints, if they can be loosened at all; the problem is that many times it take a lot of heat which as you can imagine isn't healthy for the components inside. :(
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Oh yeah, I forgot, that's the other alternative! :crackup:
Dang, I was hoping it would be easy. So if I can get it to randomly come on by turning the center focus, it sounds like a short? Where do you think it is? On the negative post of the battery connection closer to diode. Oh also just like the test for positive on housing does the neg. Spring also connect with housing closer to diode? Also, Can someone explain why I see an ugly bald dood getting pumped by an alien?
You may have a loose solder connection. It is less likely your laser is shorting out. Again, there is nothing you can/should do to repair this. Do not try as you will void your warrantee. Contact your vendor and get authorization to send it back for repair or replacement.
