I recently bought laser safety goggles from phoenix77 here, and today I got some 30mW green laser pens to test them with.
The rating on the goggles says 480-532nm: OD2-3+ / 470 - 555nm: OD1.5+
The laser I used had some likely partly empty chinese AAA batteries in it, was rated at <30mW and says 532nm +/- 10
I understand that the laser might be above 532nm making the goggles much less effective, but I can't measure that.
Pictures (in order):
Laser on white wall, distance about 2m
Laser on white wall through goggles
Laser on white wall, goggles in front of camera lens
Laser through a little optic I got with a cheap red laser pointer
Idem, through goggles
Idem, goggles in front of camera
Click the thumbnails to get a big version of the picture
Pictures were taken indoors on a cloudy day but next to a big window. The laser was on top of the camera.
The rating on the goggles says 480-532nm: OD2-3+ / 470 - 555nm: OD1.5+
The laser I used had some likely partly empty chinese AAA batteries in it, was rated at <30mW and says 532nm +/- 10
I understand that the laser might be above 532nm making the goggles much less effective, but I can't measure that.
Pictures (in order):
Laser on white wall, distance about 2m
Laser on white wall through goggles
Laser on white wall, goggles in front of camera lens
Laser through a little optic I got with a cheap red laser pointer
Idem, through goggles
Idem, goggles in front of camera
Click the thumbnails to get a big version of the picture
Pictures were taken indoors on a cloudy day but next to a big window. The laser was on top of the camera.