I own a couple surefire hosts. Has anyone here made a surefire host into a laser? The hosts are very nice, well built and have a very solid feel to them. Unfortunately they are very expensive.
SureFire is Your Source for SureFire Flashlights, SureFire Batteries & Flashlight Accessories
I lost my most recent surefire flashlight, and it makes me angry everytime I think about it. How lame can I be to lose it. It was one of their combat series. 200 lumens and cost around $185.
SureFire is Your Source for SureFire Flashlights, SureFire Batteries & Flashlight Accessories
I lost my most recent surefire flashlight, and it makes me angry everytime I think about it. How lame can I be to lose it. It was one of their combat series. 200 lumens and cost around $185.