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FrozenGate by Avery

Spectra physics Argon 2020-05


Dec 18, 2011
I really dont want to sell this, but, the cost for 3 phase here will be as much as the house we want to buy. I will post pics later, the laser is very clean and nice looking. I have no idea if the laser works, It needs a power cord as it was cut off I figure to make it non functional. I will make it pick up only unless someone wants to pay for shipping.

The tag says its 15 watts and it is Argon so the lines will be 457-514 is what is listed in the manual. The head is a 2020-05 and the power unit is a 2560. I will set the price at 400.00 if you want it shipped, you will have to pay for shipping. Dont bother making offers below asking price, I will just keep it for less.
