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FrozenGate by Avery

Some questions.

Jan 10, 2013
My first question is what is the best way to polish a laser host? The host that I have that I want polished is a laserglow Galileo host. The second question is will a o like module fit into thus same host? I would like to get around 50mw. Basically the goal here is to have a super shiny Galileo outputting 50mw.

I'm not familliar with that host. If it is aluminum you can get a high mirror polish on a once polished piece of aluminum with Mother's polish and a rag. If a piece of metal has some texture to it or deep scratches you have to use varrying degrees of VERY fine sandpaper first then a polishing compound like Mothers. Polishing can be done fast with a buffer wheel and compound but you kinda need to know what you are doing. Hope this helps.:)
I believe the host is anodized and has some black paint on it which was put on originally by the manufacturer. I think removing that would be hardest part.
I believe the host is anodized and has some black paint on it which was put on originally by the manufacturer. I think removing that would be hardest part.

You could get that garnet bead-blasted off for not too much. Guys that work on guns ( gunsmiths ) often have that equipment. Its a simple process and the equipment is not expensive and easy to operate. :)
