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some "new" pics 9/15/18

Aug 3, 2012
These pics were taken the end of July using my LK-PD2 projector (DMX controlled) and various colors of hand helds. I used one glass sphere, two- 1/2 glass spheres, hematite balls and some different mirror set ups. In many of them a 488nm is used behind the glass sphere. There are also some pics with only hand helds. After checking them out in detail weeks later, some of them may have a bit too much going on in them , but I think the ones with only one of two colors are the nicest (at least to me). Enjoy

DSC_5721_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5730_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5732_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5747_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5753_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5756_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5758_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5760_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5761_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5765_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5766_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5774_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5775_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5778_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5779_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5786_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5787_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5788_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5790_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5791_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5792_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5806_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5809_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5812_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5824_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5825_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

DSC_5827_resize by brucemir, on Flickr

Damn Bruce, those are some sweet looking photos!

I've got to give it to 5827 (last one) for the great combo of wavelengths, and 5791, although I don't think you're capable of a bad photo! :beer:
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WOW! I just love these photos, Bruce. I especially like the 488nm laser going behind the sphere with the PJ throwing off the red fans, #5791. But, all of them are just great. I can't rep you again just yet, but I won't forget to. :thanks:
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Outstanding photos :kewlpics::gj:

Really nice work. Your laser photo art is always a welcome treat for the eyes and always something different.

That complicated set up produced some great results --I like the interplay of light and set up in #5756 to #5775 but really they are all great.

+rep when I can
Very cool indeed!

Some of those photo's look better than CGI from recent sci-fi movies. 5732 could easily pass for the 'reactor core' of some alien spacecraft :)

5827 looks like some kind of teleporter or perhaps time travel machine to me.

I know the setup isn't that large, but in some pictures there just is no reference and that ball in the middle could just as easily be 5 meters in diameter.

Have you ever considered a carrier in SFX? These things are real light yet look so good they'd be suitable for cinematographic use.
I recall spying these on Flickr - and they are just as fantastic the 2nd time around. Some great combinations and enjoy how some the light 'paints' the whole room (5806) while others are super 'clean' (5827), where I have to appreciate the stark contrast of the pitch black background. Can't say either is better, but I can say they are both awesome. Lots of great stuff, as per the norm!

Thanks for sharing, Bruce!!
Thanks everyone!

Benn - Whenever I take these photos and work on them afterwards, I always see something in them that resemble something, but I never say anything to anyone as it is different to everyone. But it is a huge compliment to me when people say that the photo(s) look like something. I have been a huge sci-fi / Universal Monster fan my whole life, and a lot of what I do is based on those types of movies and it shows in some shots. Also as you have pointed out, I work in a small space. But in the some of my photos, you really can't tell how big the set up actually is. When that happens it means it is a good photo and optical illusion. Thanks Again!
Amazing and beautiful-I can only imagine what they look like in person! One question -given the broad range of colors-what sort of goggles do you wear? With so many opportunities for a reflection as you are setting up-I'm curious! Thanks.
Hi Pelagius,
Thanks! The only time I will use my safety glasses is when I get into my OCD mode and make sure every beam is exactly where I want it. That is usually after all of the lasers are secure in the clamps and the mirrors are in their general position. When that is done I will line up one laser at a time, with glasses on, and repeat the process. When I am photographing I do not use them as the only thing moving is me and my camera/tripod around the room. The room is also painted black (floor and ceiling also) so there really isn't any stray beams around. The one big problem that can happen, and has a few times over the years is I bump into the table and everything moves. That could be potentially dangerous. My worst accident was knocking over and breaking an 18" glass cylinder (see below) of water that went all over the place and luckily did not get any water on the lasers.

Glass tube RIP
<a data-flickr-embed="true" href=" " title="DSC_8638_resize"><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5682/21542072999_4954fbb85f_b.jpg" width="1024" height="683" alt="DSC_8638_resize"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Thanks Brucemir
One careful beam at a time. So you DO have a special room. I can imagine making a black box to do some of this on a small scale.
Sorry you lost your cylinder!
I'm playing with the RGB X cubes I got (see new threads). I have a < 5mW LaserLands 505 nm that I am using to scope out beam paths-for added safety.
Hi Pelagius,
Thanks! The only time I will use my safety glasses is when I get into my OCD mode and make sure every beam is exactly where I want it. That is usually after all of the lasers are secure in the clamps and the mirrors are in their general position. When that is done I will line up one laser at a time, with glasses on, and repeat the process. When I am photographing I do not use them as the only thing moving is me and my camera/tripod around the room. The room is also painted black (floor and ceiling also) so there really isn't any stray beams around. The one big problem that can happen, and has a few times over the years is I bump into the table and everything moves. That could be potentially dangerous. My worst accident was knocking over and breaking an 18" glass cylinder (see below) of water that went all over the place and luckily did not get any water on the lasers.

Glass tube RIP
<a data-flickr-embed="true" href=" " title="DSC_8638_resize"><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5682/21542072999_4954fbb85f_b.jpg" width="1024" height="683" alt="DSC_8638_resize"></a><script async src="//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
