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FrozenGate by Avery

Some cool photos taken while testing 5 Watt laser.

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Deleted member 10578

I just put some pictures online today in the optotronics gallery.
They are of our 5 Watt laser system being certified before being sent to a customer.
I'll try to find somewhere to post a couple of videos as well. I have one video of this laser burning a 3-4mm hole through a plastic 35mm film canister (though both sides) in about 1-1.5 seconds.
Man this thing is bright beyond belief, and the power supply/driver sounds like a hovercraft (so, my wife tells me). I'll have to get some pictures of the cable between the laser and the power supply/driver, it's connector is about 2 inches in diameter with the cable about 3/4" in diameter...man this cable looks like something that came off an aircraft carrier.



Re: Some cool photos taken while testing 5 Watt la

Anytime you wanna send out any of those beasties for testing, just let me know Jack 8-)
Re: Some cool photos taken while testing 5 Watt la

I'm a good lad too I'll test one :P :P :P :P
Re: Some cool photos taken while testing 5 Watt la

Nice pics, though I get the impression I've seen them before :D (perhaps that was a diff system). Anyway, any chance you know what it would take to get one of those things legally imported into the US for lasershow use (not with variancing and all for the projector, just getting the beam emitter legally here). The manufacturer is not too friendly with the FDA I believe..
Re: Some cool photos taken while testing 5 Watt la

Hi Carter,
How have you been?
Maybe you did see some of these before, it's not everyday I get a 5W system in...in fact this was the 1st and no one else has contacted me about something so big. This was legally imported and has all the safety features, but I don't think you would want this for laser shows, it would be much more than you need.

I hope your RPL-300 is doing well.
The other night I burned completely though(both sides) of a black plastic film canister with the RPL-325, but it took much longer than the 1-2seconds that the 5W system took and the hole was much smaller too. I'll have to borrow a point n shoot camera that does video and do this again to show everyone, it was the biggest thrill I've gotten from any laser since I was testing that 5W unit.

Re: Some cool photos taken while testing 5 Watt la

I was playing with the rpl the other night too..


higher res is

incidently this is the once of the last pictures the camera took as our electrician decided to drop it on the cafteria floor andn ow I have to send it in for repair....
