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FrozenGate by Avery

SOLD FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Jul 27, 2011

Pill machined flat for easy driver heatsinking
+ I will throw in a free [1] Aixiz module

$23ea + $3 shipping (this is the basic kit from Moh for the same price as seen here http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/fs-aurora-c6-kits-68348.html)

I will accept paypal

These are ready for a driver and diode and you are set. I don't think I have any battery contacts for the pill but I will look, if I have them I'll throw them in.

PM me those who are interested.


  • DSCN1989.jpg
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  • pill.jpg
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Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

But Moh sales the c6 kits for 16$ and you can buy an Aixiz module for like 3 dollars why the extra 6$?
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

But Moh sales the c6 kits for 16$ and you can buy an Aixiz module for like 3 dollars why the extra 6$?

Didn't you read his name....:whistle:

EDIT: hes selling his 2 marbles for 40$ if you ask him.... the doctor gave them back after he coughed...
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Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Moh is selling this kit minus the aixiz for $25 shipped. I just looked and so have updated the price accordingly.
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Interesting.... How quick can you send one to Ohio?
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

I can send it out in 3 hrs. First Class Mail, if you want priority mail, you'll have to pay that but it should be 3 days to you no problem with FCM. So tue you'll get it?


Pending sale for 1 kit. Leaves 1 available for right now
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Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Ouch, your kit went out today:beer:
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Is anyone else going to want the other one?
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Still got one of these?
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Yep still have one. You want it?
Re: FS: 2 Aurora C6 kits, heatsink & pill machined flat + Aixiz

Yep! Send me a PM with PP or Gmail invoice or however you want to do it. Is shipping still the same to AU?
