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silicone charged?


Dec 28, 2007
if i used my 1N4001 and capacitor in testing my whole circuit with 3 LEDs, how do i make sure they are not charged or "un-charge" them? thanks!

The 1N4001 diodes do not store any charge. ;) The only thing you have to worry about is the capacitor, if you didn't solder it directly to the LD and it happens to disconnect with the power on, then reconnect again, it will fry the diode instantly. If you disconnect it from the LD, just short it out, then connect it to the LD.
thanks. i believe that happened to my capacitor when i tried to hook up my red cause my red never blinked, lit, or shinned. that or there was just too much crammed in my AixiZ and something touched the walls inside. no matter now cause its gone for good
