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FrozenGate by Avery

Shipping in the 2020s


New member
Sep 15, 2019
Hey folks. I haven't bought a laser in a couple years now -- I was last messing around with them just pre-pandemic. I was thinking about maybe getting myself a nice one from Sanwu or something, but I don't know what the state of the world is with respect to shipping. Am I gonna see it in my lifetime if I buy from China? How bad (or good) are things these days?


I just placed an order with Sanwu on Nov 8. It has not shipped yet. I will let you know how it goes.
I live in the US. Ordered a laser from sanwu in late 2020 and another early 2021. Both took a few weeks to build/prepare for shipping but once they were shipped they arrived in < a week. I selected the medium level shipping option (not best or worst)
