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Sci-Fi lasers the legend of Eithan

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Don't worry, he meant North Korea. :) Again, you can't hate all of Israel's people just because of one guy. I now don't hate Canada, I just hate Canadian people. :D

Anyone reading this comment without seeing the others, I don't hate Canadians. I'm simply making a point. :)

i lost my time and money because one israel guy. however other people is lost more. at now i just forget him. it is all last case. never buy from sci fi again :yh:.

...That is like me saying I hate Justin Bieber, so now I hate Canada. I don't hate the entire country of Canada just because of one person. :)

If anything, Justin Bieber is a justifiable reason to hate a whole country. :mad:

Just kidding of course. :p (I am Canadian :D)
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Lol, I like Canada really. It is a shame that he had to have come from there. :D
He's been enjoying everyone's money by taking a trip to Japan. Facebook offered me his profile page and he's having fun.
what do you mean?
right one on this picture is eitan after his exit-scam

right one on this picture is eitan after his exit-scam


oh...... really bad guys. i am a win With the help of chargeback.
but so mad. because i lost many time and money.
His travel money is our money right?

just... common thief.
I had many issues with my two orders from him. I did get them in the end but it took alot longer than it should have. And now my Arcane 2.0 laser wont work and the website no longer exists so i can get a refund or replacement.
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I had many issues with my two orders from him. I did get them in the end but it took alot longer than it should have. And now my Arcane 2.0 laser wont work and the website no longer exists so i can get a refund or replacement.
You're unfortunately out of luck. Your best bet would be the sci-fi repair service.
Damn. I leave for a while and come back to this.

Well since everyone is stepping forward, a couple years ago I bough a 445 501b off of him. A couple months after that I accidentally fried it by putting the batteries in backwards. He messaged me an said if I paid for shipping I could send it back and he would repair it. After 6 months of nothing he messaged me to say there was a delay because of some national holiday (A 6 month holiday??) and after that I never heard anything. Based off this thread Im guessing he took the guts out of the host and probably put new guts into it and re-sold it. I ended up getting a new 445 501b from Blord.
Sorry to hear you have come back to find this.

As for the photo-shopping. Their hairlines are as blurred as hell.
It is nice to see that he is happily spending peoples money on his trips. :mad:
I am so glad I never brought of this waste of space.
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