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sci fi lasers 1w 405 self-repair & upgrade [pic heavy]

Jan 28, 2015
so, a loooong time ago, my laser from etian broke due to a heat failure :cryyy:
these are the step i'm taking to fix it, and potentially upgrade it!

first off, I'm putting in a vouch for etian's (TheJoker301) busines, they have truly high quality. :thanks:


The case, which is aluminum, is sturdy, but wouldn't soak heat very well. I'm going to fix that.

the host is easy to get out, just unscrew the cap. :-)

simple enough spring assembly, but I'm not sure if the spring causes any interference or not.


After pushing a bit through the side with the spring, it finally came out. for reference, the wire on the right is about 20 AWG This reqiured solder and some wick, but was otherwise easy.


the full assembly. From left to right: glass lense, tension spring, diode, uniary heatsink, buck driver (which is the size of a US dime)


lookie there. a popped buck circuit. i'm glad it was the driver and not the diode!!!! the capacitor on the right also looks a bit shabby, I might replace that as well

If anyone knows the part number, please let me know!!! it looks like AX200 in the first line and 1252 on the next line


here I'm buffing the heatsink and diode sink for better contact.

that's all I've done so far, I'll be sure to update often!!!!

You may be wondring what i'm doing for an 'upgrade'. here's a small list of things:
  • Buffing the copper heatsink, and aluminum host.
  • placing Computer thermal compound between the diode heatsink and the host ( his should increase the performance a TON.)
  • upgrading the buck IC (by about 25%)

Well, thanks for listening. that's my first ever laser repair! super fun!
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p.s. Yes your chip is fried, but did you solder the red wire to the board? It looks like it could be touching that capacitor, it could be where your pad connects anyway, but if not...
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