If I were you, I would invest in a electric duster, works well to remove any fine particles that can scratch the lens when wiping.
I grew up as a glazier in SoCal, I’ve been around glass since I can remember, 30+years.
99% alcohol works very well after a high pressure dusting has been done. And I’ve purchased 3 different Optic Lens cleaning solutions in the past 6-8 months. The best one I’ve found is called Sensei. I bought it online, i forgot where. But it works extremely well and doesn’t leave any film, as long as you use clean 100% cotton Qtips, use a small amount, apply by spraying the qTip.
My method is:
1.) High pressure air dusting with my electrical duster, which I only use for this purpose and keep in a bag while not in use to keep from attracting static dust.
2.) get fresh Qtips, also kept in a sealed bag, spray the Qtip 1x with the fine mist from the Sensei cleaning solution.
3.) wipe the lens using 1 direction motion, going back and forth will only spread and scratch your lens. I use either a clockwise or counterclockwise motion, I only switch direction when I switch Qtips.
4.) then I use atleast 2-3 more dry and clean Qtips with the same method as #3, making sure to press against the lense to get into the corners.
5.) this is all just for 1 side of the lens. I repeat the steps for the opposite side.
6.) and I always keep my lens capped. Get yourself some 15/16mm rubber clicky switch covers to use as a lens cap. I believe it’s the 16mm that fits perfectly on a standard lens focus peice? I also have the Survival Lasers extended focus peice on all my lasers as well. It really helps keep them cleaner during use.