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Question about showlasers

Aug 26, 2018
This is my first time using this forum so I hope I got everything right

Anyways, I'm considering buying a ILDA RGB showlaser from Aliexpress with 500mW of advertised power (Red-650nm@300mW / Green-532nm@50mW / Blue-450nm@150mW)

I know that a 500mW laser pointer itself is quite dangerous, but how dangerous is to play around with a laser projector like this?
I do have common sense and will obviously not look into the beam, but apart from cheap eBay laser-goggles, which I doubt would protect from such powerful lasers, I don't really have any proper safety equipment

My plan was to initially cover the projector's lens with something that would block most of the laser's light, so I'd have a safer environment. Is this a good idea and if so, what should I be using to do it?

Safety goggles aren't going to help much. RGB is most of the spectrum, so if you block most of the spectrum, you've got sunglasses or a welding helmet.

Just don't look into the aperture, and don't point it at mirrored surfaces and you'll be fine.
