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Question about saftey goggles


Nov 12, 2014
Okay, so I know there are about 10,000 posts on here about safety goggles, and tons of great stickys on safety goggles, but I still had a question.

I just bought a 1.5W 445nm laser to kill some pests in my aquarium. I bought some safety goggles with my laser but I want to get a second pair.

I am looking at two different pair:
Pair one (click here to view)
Pair two (click to view)

So, each different laser will block the wavelength of light that my laser puts off, but one has a higher OD number. Does this mean that the dot would be harder to view, since it blocks more of the light? Also, is there a great benefit in buying the more expensive pair over the other? $20 separates the two in price, but knowing that spending an extra $20 would be safer, then it is definitely worth it.


The more expensive one blocks IR light and the other does not I think.
Welcome to LPF Fish. :beer:
First off, those are both good choices for your particular laser. As USAbro said, the more expensive pair also protects against IR.
The cheaper ones have an OD of 4, which will reduce your 1.5W laser to 0.15mW, which IMHO, is plenty of protection.
They also have a visible light transmission of 50% vs. the 20% on the goggles with IR protection. This means you will be able to see more easily through them.

On the other hand, if you are ever going to be using a laser that is emitting IR, such as an unfiltered 532nm; the goggles with IR protection may be the way to go.

Depending on your finances, I don't think either is a bad choice!

Edit: I personally own a pair of the lower priced ones in the "fitover" style, they have performed fine so far.
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Going off of what Bowtieguy said, if you can afford them, get both. Why not? That is, if you can afford them.
Thanks for all of the responses. I would get both, but I honestly don't have a purpose in three pairs of safety goggles.

I haven't decided if I will get another laser after this one, but if I do, it will likely be a green one. With that in mind, the one with an IR filter might would be beneficial.
I keep wondering if it would damage the eyes of fish in the aquarium when they are close to the dot. The scattered light can hurt people's eyes but I don't know about fish.

I have some pet fish and some brown growth on some of the rocks and considered blasting them with my laser. If a fish lost its eyesight, it may not be able to target food after that.

And fish ranting makes me hungry too.
I keep wondering if it would damage the eyes of fish in the aquarium when they are close to the dot. The scattered light can hurt people's eyes but I don't know about fish.

I have some pet fish and some brown growth on some of the rocks and considered blasting them with my laser. If a fish lost its eyesight, it may not be able to target food after that.

And fish ranting makes me hungry too.

I asked myself that same question before I bought the laser. I've pretty much decided that I'm going to scare my fish into hiding before zapping the aiptasia. Scaring the fish can be easily done by something as simple as putting my hand in the tank. Some of my fish--such as species of clownfish and blennies--are not as easily scared. They are also pretty curious fish, so they will likely be the first candidates to get right in the laser's beam. On the other hand, they could be horrified of it and avoid it like the plague. We will see!
I found that shining a 1.6 watt laser in my fish tank (not at the fish!), I can hear a sizzling sound coming from the dividing wall in my tank.
It's a Fluval Spec 5.

Guys go try it, SilverFire is right it burns the algae on the glass too. The stuff falls off and gets filtered!
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