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FrozenGate by Avery

Question about a green laser pointer scylasers 55 MW

Jan 4, 2010
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I bought a pointer Skylasers 55 MW
Congratulations to all who have helped me to choose this laser.
The beam is very bright. Even if that makes holes in black bags.
I would change by 95 MW. As you see it? I like to see the scope note and beam Nice.
With 95 MW guess I'll watch much brighter beam, no? and besides pop balloons while I realize it will be more dangerous.
Sorry but my English is translated by Google.
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Me alegro de ver que seguiste mi consejo. La próxima vez que necesites postear algo simplemente mándame un mensaje y ya te contestare o te lo traduciré para que lo puedas postear en un inglés más entendible. Ya nos dirás que tal va tu nuevo láser ;)

I'm glad to see that you followed my advise. Next time you need to post something just PM me about it and I'll answer or translate it so you can post in a more understandable english. Let us know about your new laser once you get it ;)
Gracias Hallucynogenyc por tus consejos y por tú revisión del rayfoss 200 mw que me han ayudado a escojer éste laser.

Hallucynogenyc Thanks for your advice and you review rayfoss 200 MW that have helped me to choose this laser.
Ahora sólo falta que te guste ;)

Now let's hope you like it ;)
