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Question about  Green lasers and the Pump-dio

Jan 1, 2008
what will be the power of the pump diode without the crystals which convert the IR to green in a laser like DX 50mw

Re: Question about  Green lasers and the Pump-dio

That a vague question.
Short answer is 175mW of 808 pump light for a DPSS 532 DX laser.
My DX 50 diode uses 350mA and the diode is about 50% efficient.
1/3 of the pump light power converts to green beam, best case.
Re: Question about  Green lasers and the Pump-dio

and what will happen if i remove the crystals could i focus the ir light
Re: Question about  Green lasers and the Pump-dio

No the diode beam needs to be focused with special short focal lenth lens then the beam is line shaped and spreads greatly over distance. You elaton optics to equalize the fast and slow axis of the diode beam to make the beam circular. I have a some pump diodes that are fast axis corrected but the beam looks square and can't be focused to a tiny spot at distance. I think lenses that are speced with radius in mm number rather than focal lenth are better suited for laser beam collimation.

The 808nm color seems weak unless it hits something dark. I can pass my finger in the beam and not feel it much because it passes through without much absorbtion.
