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quebec restrictions

Jun 11, 2010
are there any restrictions for importing / owning and usage of a green 50mw laser im 15 and im still skeptical if i should cancell my order and do more reserch noting i may get a better or weaker from focal price and also is a 50 mw something that without eye wear would be bad just being considering im pointing away also how strong is a 50mw cus i got one guy saying it could burn stuff at a distance and a other saying its not even strong and i would need eye wear what is the correct colour if you think i should get a differen tlaser can you help find one under 15$ including the cheapest shipping i kinda like the wiked lasers im getting my first laser from them tne same one im refering to in this post i woulda prefered a better designed one even though cus the one im getting looks like a over siszed mini maglight quebec is a canadian province if you didnt no

how and u answer the question and ur profile pic the laser is it a 100 or 150mw?
im not an idiot the strongest laser known to man is half that and is a not so secret secret project to shoot and destroy all metiorites that become a risk to us on earth i can tellits orange you see the light reflection of diodeand it must be a 100-150mw be honest and answer the important lehal part i couldnt buy your laser today anyway but if your honest i may considering it if you accept paypal for convinience
You sir are most definatly an idiot.

Before this goes any further, you need to stop posting and read. You have posted a lot of stuff really fast that will get you kicked off this forum really fast.

So stop and search instead of posting. Once you read a little you won't be an idiot anymore and you will know which laser to order!

The laser in my signature is not for sale yet, because it is not even made yet. That is a computer rendering of a model I am currently working on producing. And it would most defiantly be more than $16.
You sir are most definatly an idiot.

Before this goes any further, you need to stop posting and read. You have posted a lot of stuff really fast that will get you kicked off this forum really fast.

So stop and search instead of posting. Once you read a little you won't be an idiot anymore and you will know which laser to order!

The laser in my signature is not for sale yet, because it is not even made yet. That is a computer rendering of a model I am currently working on producing. And it would most defiantly be more than $16.
im getting the first green wicked laser that was 50mw of power made by wicked lasers its costing me 15 to ship it here but i dont want to let the item get taken so i made shure my aunt realy wanted me to have it lol not realy but it is a wiked laser just cant figure out the model
If you want respect here...

1. Use grammar correctly. Use a spell checker, and commas, and periods. It does not have to be perfect, but you have to try.
2. Dont post more than 10 posts a day. We are not a chat forum, we are a science forum. So posting loads of lame questions, and useless comments will get you banned.
3. Use the search button, and do some reading to find your own answers. We have all done our share of reading. If you dont want to spend your time reading, then you should just leave now. Because you are wasting your time, and will be flamed all the time.

Get it???
are there any restrictions for importing / owning and usage of a green 50mw laser im 15 and im still skeptical if i should cancell my order and do more reserch noting i may get a better or weaker from focal price and also is a 50 mw something that without eye wear would be bad just being considering im pointing away also how strong is a 50mw cus i got one guy saying it could burn stuff at a distance and a other saying its not even strong and i would need eye wear what is the correct colour if you think i should get a differen tlaser can you help find one under 15$ including the cheapest shipping i kinda like the wiked lasers im getting my first laser from them tne same one im refering to in this post i woulda prefered a better designed one even though cus the one im getting looks like a over siszed mini maglight quebec is a canadian province if you didnt no

That has to be the longest sentence I have ever seen on the Forum
since I've been here....:eek:

sorry. i dont actualy see the value of punctuation, when im on a place, that doesnt give me marks, fot punctation. and its summer so relax if you couldnt understand it cus of spelling or maybe i shoulda put a dot to help people not mix up certain things that would be a different story
Hello!!! The world treats you by how you act, and present yourself. If you're to lazy/stupid to add a comma, and periods to your sentences, then people are not going to take you seriously. No one said you have to be Mr. Grammar, but a paragraph without periods looks like a 9 year old wrote it, and basically makes you look stupid. I have terrible grammar, but I try, and thats all people ask here. What's so hard adding a period? Unless you have a learning disability, then that's a different story.
dude now your pissinng me off i got adhd and dislexia and probly am diabetic type 2 for all i know i most likely already am and i have some abilities that are cool i swaer i am somewhat psykick and cant get a sugar rush ive tried getting them on purpose and i can channel some of my energy to mave my hands orfingers extreamly fast lol but other wise of the problems i still am MATURE dude dont you comment on that please if you do il just block you

if you saw what i work with on fridays and wensdays at school you would agree i work with some dangerous tools like a turning leath they could kill easily andontop of that the school i go to is a publichighschool and not private and on the days i work with the tools i use them to help build a robot that compeates aainst private highschools and even coleages and ithink theres also a university we compeate against too and were one of the best teams we won first place in most categories
Why didnt you say you have issues?

Just because you work with dangerous tools doesn't mean much. I was doing demolition full time at your age.
