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Jan 8, 2008
Do I NEED eye protection for everyday use with my DX200? I've been using it for a few days with no protection, and it doesnt seem that bright since it's red. My idiotic friend even shined it in his eye and nothing happened. It does light fuses and burns quite nicely though.

Yes, a strong hit straight to your eye will blind you for the rest of your life. It is imparitive you get glasses if you care about your eye sight. Seeing the beam is not that bad, but staring at the dot on a light surface or getting it in your eyes is bad. And having a laser is a responsibility, that you must be willing to handle. How would you have felt if you said " haha sure go head," and he shines it in his eye, and can NEVER see again. EVER! You were lucky. Invest in some glasses, they cost less than a new pair of eyes.
I repeatedly told him not to. The only time it concerns me is when im close to the dot while trying to burn something. I get the kind of thing where it's hard to see because of all of the light. Are there glasses that will cover from green to red?
Yes, I lost the post, but someone posted a link to their store in the buy sell trade forum for goggles that are like 3 wavelengths on 1 pair of glasses. expensive though, around 150. you could get some red for 40 and green for 40. I'd reccommend senkats store. http://stonetek.org/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=76&zenid=93270996d76a7d4631b66af230ec2833
For the green you will have to look elsewhere. And remember, use code LPFROX! for a 10percent discount and free shipping i think. Good luck and be safe!

Edit: its still your laser, and youre responsible for it, dont let people shine your laser in their eyes. do you give a gun to a 3 year old and just "repeatedly tell him" not to shoot it?
He shined it in his eye? That could have easily put a mark on his retina and he doesn't notice the effects of it yet...
This is idiotic. You don't TELL a drunk friend not to get behind the wheel - you remove his ability to do so by knocking the dumbass out. Jesus Christ - use your freaking head ! If you have ANY ideas that the moron you are about to hand your laser to is going to be stupid, then it is YOUR responsibility to NOT LET THEM HANDLE IT. *sigh*
He must be a complete moron if he shone a high powered laser directly in his eye. Chances are he permanently damaged a (small) part of his retina. Since a dilda has a focusable lens, I'm guessing he got lucky because the beam wasn't focalized when he took the hit. Otherwise he would have noticed it right away.

Remember, damaged cone-cells in your eye NEVER regenerate. I agree with airy: if you have friends that are too stupid to comprehend this, don't let them play with your lasers.
Am I actually getting substantial damage from simply looking at a dot? And when it says "650nm" protection, is that the general red area, or only that precise wavelength? Would it protect like 665 or 660nm?
Another idea/suggestion is to do this :
*read the ENTIRE safety section, as well as use Google to look up info regarding eye safety
*if you don't do the above - either return your laser to DX, or destroy it - and don't buy anything over 2 lumens worth of light, ever, ever, again.
A 200mw red will send as much light into your eye as a 200mw green, and looking at the dot of a 200mw green for an extended time isn't very good. Get goggles, and think of it like this: Can you buy safety glasses that will protect from eye damage for $40 or so? YES you can. Can you buy a new retina at all? NO, you can't. For me, that is reason enough to get eye protection. And your friend who shone it in his eye freely is IDIOTIC. >:( Just because he got extremely lucky, it isn't harmless. If a person is very uncareful with his lasers, he SHOULD NOT have lasers as a hobby.

Airy52, you said that a "strong hit will blind you for the rest of your life". That's not really correct. Since the lens in the eye focuses the light into a very small point you will "only" get a black spot in your vision.
You seem to be very fond of safety glasses, kepperx. This is about the fifith topic you have had that tag in a post. I would like to correct it to:
Always use safety glasses when burning,looking at the dot or experimenting with optics. Otherwise, just use your head and be cautious!

That sounds better IMO.
i disagree. Safety is not something you worry about only SOME of the time or in specific situations..
Using safety glasses in those situations is a no brainer.. but safety is also there for ACCIDENT PREVENTION.
and if you need to ask if you need protection, then you should always wear protection

So if you are posting a question in the forum asking if you need safety glasses, then read the sig..
Would YOU think that it would be fun to have a lets say 100mw green, have intense fog around your house, and still stubbornly use your safety glasses, allowing you to see only a glimpse of the beam? I don't see the point of using glasses at that time.

But I will not argue more, as it is clear that we have different opinions about this matter, and we won't change by arguing even more. You have made your opinion clear, I have made mine clear. :)
To state that one should always wear safety glasses is a hollow statement, you can compare it to saying you should never wear safety glasses. It implies you don't know enough about lasers to be able to determine and understand the risks. If you can't do that, you shouldn't be in this hobby at all. Glasses or not.
