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FrozenGate by Avery

"Portable" 20W Laser!


Jun 20, 2007
Although it is not completely handheld, this is technically a portable 20W laser. I don't know what wavelength it is, but it looks to be ~405nm or shorter (ultraviolet).


Good Lord!!! For some reason I think that guy should be wearing some more hardcore looking safety glasses ;D I know I would be with 20W!

That thing kinda looks like the laser packs for the Ghost Busters! NEVER CROSS THE STREAMS!!!!
I did see a video once where a 300mW laser was cleaning oil on a drive way. This just seems like it took it to the next step. The thing looks like it's an array, and nothing other than a big enough battery pack and some sufficient cooling is needed to get this thing portable :) 53K though, ya... that's just overkill! Maybe they should have opted for a CO2 portable instead 8-)

