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PL-E Mini fell from table

May 15, 2016
So, my PL-E Mini fell from my table, which is about 75cm/2.5ft tall. Now, the front piece is very slightly loose from the battery tube, it can move by a pretty much invisible amount when twisted with some force, but it is enough to be felt and heard.
Is there anything I can do?
I already emailed Gray, he asked for a video of it and I sent it, it's been a few days and no reply yet, likely due to their holiday in China right now.
This thing is only 2 weeks old, I can't believe I already screwed it up, even though it's a minor issue as it works just fine :(
Here's the video.
Sorry for being so impatient, but does anyone have any idea where the problem is and if it can be fixed?

That's all? I had to turn my audio up just to hear a miniscule sound. Come on now... that's nothing to get upset over
That's all? I had to turn my audio up just to hear a miniscule sound. Come on now... that's nothing to get upset over
It's quite a bit louder IRL, and you can feel it twisting a little when you hold it to change the focus to one of the extremes.
I know it's a minor issue but it's still weird considering how solid the host feels. Just want to know if there's any way to fix it. If there isn't I'll just deal with it.
THe front piece and battery tube meet just above the battery direction icon--is that where it is a little bit loose?
Is hard to tell from you video everything is moving at same time so not too clear.
If it is loose at that joint --try unscrewing the battery tube from the front piece cleaning the threads both inner and outer and then screwing it back together seating it correctly and tightly. You should be able to unscew the battery tube.
Thinking that might do the trick-- if not see what Gray says after he returns for the Chinese new year break.
Maybe he can send you a new battery tube if the fall damaged the tube so it longer fits tightly/snugly.
THe front piece and battery tube meet just above the battery direction icon--is that where it is a little bit loose?
Is hard to tell from you video everything is moving at same time so not too clear.
If it is loose at that joint --try unscrewing the battery tube from the front piece cleaning the threads both inner and outer and then screwing it back together seating it correctly and tightly. You should be able to unscew the battery tube.
Thinking that might do the trick-- if not see what Gray says after he returns for the Chinese new year break.
Maybe he can send you a new battery tube if the fall damaged the tube so it longer fits tightly/snugly.
The battery tube is not removable. It is on the PL-E Pro, but I have a Mini. It comes with a battery tube extension but the main tube connected to the laser itself isn't removable.
The tube goes inside the head piece and is fixed.
By the way, the movement isn't smooth, it "clicks" once or twice when twisted.
OK so can't do with PL-E Mini.
Sounds like you may have to return it to JetLasers for repair if you want it to be the way it was when you received it.
Certainly looks like there is a tube seam above the battery icon and below the part that holds the switches --maybe on the Mini they glue it so can't be unscrewed?
Gray is the best in the laser business at what he does and gives always beyond excellent customer service both before and after a sale.
Gray checks his email often and may answer you sooner than the end of the holiday break.
He will get it sorted out for you one way or another.
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OK so can't do with PL-E Mini.
Sounds like you may have to return it to JetLasers for repair if you want it to be the way it was when you received it.
Certainly looks like there is a tube seam above the battery icon and below the part that holds the switches --maybe on the Mini they glue it so can't be unscrewed?
Gray is the best in the laser business at what he does and gives always beyond excellent customer service both before and after a sale.
Gray checks his email often and may answer you sooner than the end of the holiday break.
He will get it sorted out for you one way or another.
I have full confidence he will, he has helped me a lot since even before I ordered.
I really does look like there would be a separation there, but it's just the shape of the tube. There is no separation whatsoever, it's all one piece, from inside the front piece to the end of the tube.
Just hope it's something I can repair myself, which I highly doubt, sending it back to China would be a hassle if it does come to that. I think I'd rather just live with it in that case, it's not worth it for such a small issue that is completely my fault IMO.
One thing I can think of is to slightly squeeze the part of the front piece that slips over the battery tube with a vise, but I don't have one.
Another thing, on every single image of a PL-E Mini I can find online, the battery tube looks a bit different, there are 5 grooves, but mine has 6 that are closer to each other, must be an updated version or something.
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Worse comes to worse a little superglue around the bottom edges will stop whatever rotation might be happening (the laser still turns on right?)
Worse comes to worse a little superglue around the bottom edges will stop whatever rotation might be happening (the laser still turns on right?)
Oh yeah, that's a very good idea, don't know how I didn't think of that.
And yes, everything works perfectly fine, forgot to mention it.
UPDATE: I figured out that what holds the halves together is this thing. I tried tightening the outer ring but the inner ring/bolt thingy just moves up and down, while the halves remain a bit loose. If I keep screwing it in, it eventually "snaps" and gets looser again. It must be damaged from the fall, I guess.
Gray hasn't replied yet, even though their holidays should be over. I'll wait for his response, maybe he can ship a replacement for that piece or something.
UPDATE 2: Alright, Gray replied. He appears to have misunderstood what I said, as he talked about screwing in and applying glue on the threads of the battery tube itself, which is impossible because I have a PL-E Mini, not a Pro. I tried to explain it again, waiting for a reply. I also noticed that the inner part of that silver piece doesn't move with the head of the laser, so I guess I can put some glue on its threads and then screw in the outer ring.
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I can't believe you're bothering the seller with this
