This was a very interesting read, while not directly related to laser's the implications of this are huge! Figured it deserved a read for any physics enthusiast!
Physicists create new type of light | TG Daily
X-ray and as high as gamma ray versions of lasers (actions resembling lasers but not the same process of creating them).... I see this being put to very bad use by the military industrial complex. Aside from that what are some other implications (good or bad) could this new type of light have? Tesla worthy directed energy weapons and beyond!
Physicists create new type of light | TG Daily
X-ray and as high as gamma ray versions of lasers (actions resembling lasers but not the same process of creating them).... I see this being put to very bad use by the military industrial complex. Aside from that what are some other implications (good or bad) could this new type of light have? Tesla worthy directed energy weapons and beyond!