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FrozenGate by Avery

Out Of Focus Beam


New member
Mar 23, 2021
So I got myself one of those 303 lasers. First real laser except of those tiny battery red lasers that last a month and they die. It's been about 24 hours since I got it and I fidgeted with it alot. Last night it worked just fine with the beam being concetated in one point. Today it started deforming. Here is a pic of it with the laser 2M away (held down by a bit of weight). Is it a lens problem? Are they dirty? I tried cleaning them with something that would fit in there(soft soldering metal to be exact).

"I tried cleaning them with something that would fit in there(soft soldering metal to be exact)"

This can't be real??? you tried cleaning a plastic lens with metal??? o_O🤔

Were you out of sandpaper? :giggle:
Not really, with most cheap lasers the lens is glued in place after it's made with a small drop of glue at the point where the threaded lens barrel and the threaded housing meet...

Trying to disassemble that part of a 303 is not really practical even if you could find a replacement lens for the oddball size barrel that most cheap lasers have, and then there is the cost of the replacement lens plus shipping, you should see where this is heading...
