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FrozenGate by Avery

Osram PLTB450B Blue Build


New member
Apr 16, 2023
I’m trying to build a laser pointer using
Osram PLTB450B Blue 450nm 1.6W
Can anyone help me find the rest of the parts needed from aliexpress
Especially a driver that could match the laser diode

1st thing you need to get is a pair of laser safety glasses to attenuate the wavelength you will be working with, I suggest at least OD 5+
such as these for your pltb450b
Why are people so helpless today ?

When I was a kid I read about the boy scout who built a nuclear reactor in his parents basement and this was before the internet.

A 5 second search and I found many sets of instructions, here's Drake building a pointer with your pltb450b.

There are literally gobs of instructions at your beck and call online, just remember uncle Sammy is always watching, so look up how to build that reactor, just so we are all on the list thereby nullifying it.

BTW the PLTB450B is a 1.6W multi mode laser diode 5.6mm and the PL450B is an 80mw single mode laser diode 3.8mm and the plt5-450b is the same 80mw but in the 5.6mm package.

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