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FrozenGate by Avery

Opt Lasers 400mW RGB

Mar 7, 2015
Hey I need some help putting together my Opt Laser RGB. I just got it today and notice it's a different driver than the one on their website. The driver is about 10mm smaller than the one on their site. https://optlasers.com/en/rgb-modules/161-400mw-micro-rgb-laser-module.html It came with some metal pieces and a plastic connector to put on top of the metal prongs. https://imgur.com/a/iyRba I'm using 2 18650 batteries and 3 500 Ohm potentiometers. I sent them a email a couple minutes before I posted this, but since they work in Poland they won't respond till late tonight.
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If you plugit straight it wont lase. You will need +12V for the driver and +5V on each channels -> You will need two outputs +12V & +5V
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Thanks Arctic for the help! I found a Matek Micro on amazon since BangGood ones are all sold out. I need a new battery holder right? One with 3x 18650 slots for 11.1V.
11.1V is fine, but you will need to feed R/G/B channels separately.

If you think that you can't pull this together, I can send you a MCU controller, soldered and ready it's just plug and play.
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Thanks for the generous offer Arctic, but I think I should be fine. I just barely have enough to buy the last few parts. Thanks for all the help!
I'm hoping to get back into finishing the two controllers I have in progress. I had to put them aside to finish some obligations to other people. Maybe this weekend or next week.
Did this opt units have analog or ttl drivers... if analog your signal voltage can be a 0 to 5volt per channel
I decided to do re-align for my Opt-unit because it was slightly out of align (see #2 image)

Also Sanwu PM'd me and asked if I could take few long distance "dot shots" for him just for reference.

Distance is 220 meters and final adjustment could be fine-tuned even better.
I did get RGB's alignment good enough before I had to abort mission due freezing temperature ( -20*C and dropping )



Dot @ 220 meter distance

Very nice Arctic! My matek was lost in shipment, it was supposed to show up Saturday with other stuff but got lost somehow. So I gotta wait till they send a replacement now.
That is pretty good divergence at 220 meters, Tero. For direct diodes, I doubt you could get any better. BTW, + Rep. :yh:
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They somehow lost my Matek circuit in transit again... So I canceled my order and got ordered a different one. Should be here by Thursday.
