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FrozenGate by Avery

New Website Launch

Great idea for a site, and to top it off, you're gonna get a bunch of lasers! Your site could become a great reference point once you review some more lasers, hopefully Nova will send you some units.
Just for a second I thought I was on Laserglow.com ;D Very pretty site though .

Dear Laser Enthusiasts,

With the public launch now online, I have received much feedback. I thank you for your input. It seems there is a common thread among the feedback received, enthusiasts desire a tougher review.

I now plan to "re-review" the products to an extremely tough and stringent manner. The original reviews will stay up, but in addition to the current reviews will be reviews taken to the MAX. Each unit will be carefully scrutinized and the results will be posted.

And, to answer a lot of questions regarding power output at the laboratory, I have not been able to get the results yet. Coordinating with the university schedule is a difficult thing to do, so please be patient. They are coming.

If you have any additional feedback, feel free to email me.

Thankyou for your support,
definitely good to be tough on them! if every little flaw is pointed out, noone can be disappointed if they get a laser after reading about those flaws :) (for example, i *love* my 635nm atlasnova, but the button doesn't feel very sturdy)
