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New to the party (California)


Apr 11, 2018
Hello all!

My name is Trevor, 30 years old from Folsom (Northern California).

Have been a long-time lurker on the forums, but recently acquired my first high-power laser and felt like I was overdue to introduce myself.

Have always been fascinated by lasers, but only really began really playing within them about a year ago. After a fair bit of research I ended up purchasing a small 150mw 535nm. Although fun to play with, it really didn't scratch the itch I'd received from reading forum posts and checking out pictures in the enchanted beam thread. I wanted more.

Bit the bullet and ordered a Sanwu 7w 455nm w/ G7 Lens and x3 beam expander. Arrived yesterday which was perfect, considering the two sets of eagle pair glasses I also ordered had only just arrived on Monday. Glad I didn't have to test my patience/self discipline.

Waited late enough (2:30 AM) to feel comfortable doing a quick video with the laser mounted in the garage, focused on the neighbors (wet) fence across the street so I could quickly walk the beam without worrying too much someone would walk outside. My fun was cut short when I was scared inside by the police helicopter who just happened to fly over as I was walking back. Glad I resisted the urge to point this thing to the stars!

sorry about the vertical-video :P


Was very impressed the beam intensity and divergence. Still need to play with the focal adjustment and beam expander, but it's obvious that this is a high-quality laser with A-LOT of power behind it. Definitely not a toy!

Looking forward to chatting with you folks as I learn more about this great hobby

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Hello all!

My name is Trevor, 30 years old from Folsom (Northern California).

Have been a long-time lurker on the forums, but recently acquired my first high-power laser and felt like I was overdue to introduce myself.

Have always been fascinated by lasers, but only really began really playing within them about a year ago. After a fair bit of research I ended up purchasing a small 150mw 535nm. Although fun to play with, it really didn't scratch the itch I'd received from reading forum posts and checking out pictures in the enchanted beam thread. I wanted more.

Bit the bullet and ordered a Sanwu 7w 455nm w/ G7 Lens and x3 beam expander. Arrived yesterday which was perfect, considering the two sets of eagle pair glasses I also ordered had only just arrived on Monday. Glad I didn't have to test my patience/self discipline.

Waited late enough (2:30 AM) to feel comfortable doing a quick video with the laser mounted in the garage, focused on the neighbors (wet) fence across the street so I could quickly walk the beam without worrying too much someone would walk outside. My fun was cut short when I was scared inside by the police helicopter who just happened to fly over as I was walking back. Glad I resisted the urge to point this thing to the stars!

sorry about the vertical-video :P


Was very impressed the beam intensity and divergence. Still need to play with the focal adjustment and beam expander, but it's obvious that this is a high-quality laser with A-LOT of power behind it. Definitely not a toy!

Looking forward to chatting with you folks as I learn more about this great hobby


Welcome. :beer:

Your video link is broken, it points to your edit page for the video. Here, try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afiIQCX0yRE


Edit: Looks like that's shooting across a public road onto your neighbors property...? That's a massive hazard...
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Welcome to LPF, lynx89! :wave:

Have fun, be safe, and enjoy your stay here.

Be very careful with that 7W Sanwu, it's in a whole different realm than your 150mW 532nm.
Thanks for the welcome.

I am aware that these lasers require respect and safety when being handled. I read every "horror story" I could find before purchasing to be sure I truly understood the power/danger behind these devices.

I understand using a laser of this power is hazardous, and I do not condone any users operating a laser in public. As mentioned before, I waited until the early morning before attempting, and not before I spoke with all my neighbors to let them know what I would be doing and making sure no one would walk. I apologize if this is interpreted as reckless, that was not the intent, nor do I want to create a poor example for new members. This is not something that will be repeated, however being the first laser that with the ability to view the beam divergence at distance - I couldn't resit. All future tinkering will remain in a completely enclosed/controlled space.
Welcome to the LPF, Trevor. I hope you are able to learn much about lasers and laser technology. Enjoy your stay and bee safe. That 7 watt laser is very dangerous.
