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FrozenGate by Avery

New Class/Level change reasoning

Aug 3, 2007
Meaning of new class/structure according to your number of post.

I just saw hazard ratings for laser power stickers:

1 = no risk
1M = low risk
2 = Dazzle hazzard
2M = don't focus with optics to eye
3R = 1-5mW
3B = 5-500 mW
4 = greater than .5W

Now I know why the member level/class structure changed.

Cheers [smiley=beer.gif]
DGM 8-)

I'm not going to view your post with my glasses now.LOL [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
(class see 2M description, for punch line)
Man I agree, it's cool 8-) and I feel stupid because I didn't see the relivance of the class/level change.
"class 5: usable by a james bond villain to melt an entire continent. reflected light may pose a threat to nearby secret island bases."
I believe there should be more classes. there's a big difference between a 1watt and a 100 watt laser. Now that we have lasers in the CW kilowatt range and some pulsed lasers in the petawatt range, there needs to be a new class.
Is this the same as a petawatt?


;D ;D ;D

Dr Evil says"sharks with frickin lasers on thier heads" ;D ;D ;D ;D [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
