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Need help with huge problem...

Dec 20, 2007
I was soldering to the pins of my diode and accidentaly broke one off... :'( I cannot get the stump of the old one out and cannot solder a new one on. I am a noob and have no idea what to do in a situation like this. If you need pics I can post them.

What you do all depends on which pin was broken. Was this the case pin, or the anode? If it's the case pin, you can solder right to the case. If it was the anode, it'll take some tricky mini surgery to either cut open the case and connect a new wire to the other side of the pin or to build a connection to only the broken stump. If you're not sure which pin proke, post a pic so we can help guide you.
An easy way to tell is did the pin you broke off have a small black ring at the base of it, if it didnt it will be an easy fix if it did it can be chalanging but you can still save it.

...lazer.... ;D ;D ;D
2 diodes have had this happen today, one was to one with the ring around it, the other was not. Is there a link to instructions? If not will someone post some?
And by the way, I got some solder into the area around the anode that will not come out....
As far as the one that didn't have a ring around it, simply solder to the case itself. That's the easy one.

There are many threads here regarding opening the can of an LD. To fix the one with the broken anode, that will be the first step. You'll also need a fine drill bit to drill the solder out of the area surrounding the broken anode. I'm afraid I don't have any pictures of how I created a new anode for the ones that I have repaired, and I'm not sure I could explain it with all the details otherwise. It all comes down to opening the case, drilling a hole from the back to the front of the case (without damaging the microscopic wires or laser rod itself), and soldering in a small wire to act as the new anode.
see chimo's post here

Be certain when searching to search further back than the one week default. ;)
And welcome to the forum!
