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FrozenGate by Avery

need help with 455nm laser, current and voltage questions... PLEASE HELP....


Oct 8, 2009

i am trying to install a 445nm laser diode inside a laser projector, i have already set up the optics and the red and green diode, that all works fine,

-the 445nm is using a micro boost driver set at 500ma

my question is mainly regarding that current and voltage to use to prevent the diode from heating up too much, if i run it just of a 3.7 cr2 battery (ratted at 1000mah) the diode barely heats up so that works fine untill battery drains...

if i use an existing power source installed inside the laser projector it heats up really quickly ( the power source inside is 5.2V and 720mA)

if i use a resistor and bring the voltage down to 3.2V i am guessing the amps will remain the same at 720ma? will running it at the 3.2v with the micro boost driver prevent it from heating up so much or is it the fact that the power source inputs to the micro boost driver the 720ma and that heats it up?

and last question, if i use a regular wall adapter that outputs 3v at 150mA and plug that to the micro boost driver what will happen? will it kill the diode cause the amps are too low? i tried running it at 4.5v with 500ma and that works but diode heats up after about 3min... i dont want to blow this diode as its my last one so can i power it with 3v and only 150ma to the micro boost driver?

Heatsinking is *VERY* important for this diodes. Pick up a good heatsink.
A 1000mah CR2 battery seems to me like impossible for now. It is well known that this little batts can't handle the input required by a microboost for a 445 diode.

The microboost is a boost-only driver, so you have to keep low the voltage. Lets say under 5.5v. With 5.2v 720ma you should be ok, according to microboost specs.

A 3v 150ma for a microboost at 500ma is not enough juice to work, remember that threshold current for this diodes is around 200ma.

What is feeding the current to the diode is the microboost, so if you feel that 500ma makes hot the heatsink, simply turn down the current in the microboost till your needs. If you need more light, heatsink it better. Remember these diodes runs HOT.


i am trying to install a 445nm laser diode inside a laser projector, i have already set up the optics and the red and green diode, that all works fine,

-the 445nm is using a micro boost driver set at 500ma

my question is mainly regarding that current and voltage to use to prevent the diode from heating up too much, if i run it just of a 3.7 cr2 battery (ratted at 1000mah) the diode barely heats up so that works fine untill battery drains...

if i use an existing power source installed inside the laser projector it heats up really quickly ( the power source inside is 5.2V and 720mA)

if i use a resistor and bring the voltage down to 3.2V i am guessing the amps will remain the same at 720ma? will running it at the 3.2v with the micro boost driver prevent it from heating up so much or is it the fact that the power source inputs to the micro boost driver the 720ma and that heats it up?

and last question, if i use a regular wall adapter that outputs 3v at 150mA and plug that to the micro boost driver what will happen? will it kill the diode cause the amps are too low? i tried running it at 4.5v with 500ma and that works but diode heats up after about 3min... i dont want to blow this diode as its my last one so can i power it with 3v and only 150ma to the micro boost driver?
