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FrozenGate by Avery

Need Help : Service Manual for Uniphase 2111-30 Power supply

Dec 7, 2015
Anyone has one ?

I have problem with mine, it does not turn the laser on. From what I noticed, beside the 2 big very visible Red (power) and Greed (interloc) LED, there are 2 smaller led, red on top and green below the main LED. On a working PSU, the small red led (top) will light up for a bit and then turn off, then the laser will light up. This PSU will have the small red led light up all the time. Anyone has any idea what is this indicator for ?


  • LED indicator.jpg
    LED indicator.jpg
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Pre-heat timer perhaps. Did it stop working or did you obtain the device with this fault? Do you have access to a DMM? What kind of controller are you using?
I have access to DMM, oscillocope, cap tester. It was part of a machine, so the machine control the turning on and off of the laser. It was running ok and one day poof...
Unfortunately, If it was working and then stopped, that rules out all of the easy fixes. You can narrow it down to the head or PSU (or machine's control) by starting here:

Measure the AC voltage across the cathode terminals. These are the two leads going into the "back" of the laser tube. You're looking for about 3V here.

Do you hear a start click about once per second? If not, measure the DC voltage from one of the cathodes to the anode. The anode is the lead connected to the front of the laser tube. You're looking for >100V here.
