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FrozenGate by Avery

My new Chrome Pocket Mini 520nm

Feb 19, 2009
Been a while since I made a thread about a new laser. Well, here goes.

I had bought a chrome pocket mini kit from Jayrob a little bit ago, with a mini boost at 270mA. Of course I already had plans for it then.

The kit finally came, and everything was great. Good work from Jayrob, with the exception of the switch that got locked up, and I had to take it apart and fix it.

Next, was the PL520 module from DTR. Jordan is awesome, and takes care of his customers very professionally. For some reason, the first one that was sent was doing less than 30mW at 270mA and got very hot only doing that low power, which is very odd. He sent a new one straight away, and I received another that is working great.

It's happily doing just over 75mW at 270mA with acrylic lens, and doesn't even get that warm after a minute or so.


Now for more pictures of the build:


The color is very different from 532nm to my eyes. It's not extreme, but it is pretty noticeable. My cheap Kodak camera captures the color difference very well.

Below, are 2 sets of pictures of my 520nm, and a 40mW 532nm. 520 is on top, 532 is on bottom.



Different area of the apartment



And lastly, a picture of both beams. Beam towards the top is 520nm, bottom is 532nm.


Hope you all enjoyed the pictures. Thanks again to DTR and Jayrob, you guys are great!

Thats a sweet little EDC 520nm LD! :D
Glad you have the pic with the side by side comparison, it makes the difference quite apparent.
Thats a sweet little EDC 520nm LD! :D
Glad you have the pic with the side by side comparison, it makes the difference quite apparent.

Thanks, I love it!

And the different is clear to me whether they are side by side or not, but my camera definitely shows the colors well.

Can't wait to build my 405nm next, with the Pioneer 16X BDR-209DBK that's coming in the mail :D
The 532 always looks like a "Kelly" green and the 520 more of a lime green to me. Nice mini package.
