A lot of you have probably heard of Moore's law: the observation that computing power per unit price doubles approximately every 18 to 24 months. This has been extended to other technologies, such as data storage capacities and digital camera resolutions.
Is there a similar "law" for lasers?
There's no questions that lasers have improved over the last few years. For example, back in 2006, violet lasers topped at just a few mW and cost several hundred dollars. Nowadays, we can build class IV Blu-Ray lasers for the same price. Also, green lasers above 300 mW were very rare at that time; today, it's not uncommon to see 800 mW handhelds.
Is there a similar "law" for lasers?
There's no questions that lasers have improved over the last few years. For example, back in 2006, violet lasers topped at just a few mW and cost several hundred dollars. Nowadays, we can build class IV Blu-Ray lasers for the same price. Also, green lasers above 300 mW were very rare at that time; today, it's not uncommon to see 800 mW handhelds.