You can ask Sanwu how much to change the one you have---they have reasonable modification and repair charges.
The only choices and the diode wavelengths they offer and multimode or single mode switch electronics. The closest you can get is a 638nm red + simge mode electronics + shipping both ways if the had time and would do.
There are no direct diode amber/orange diodes 589nm or 605nm so you are SOL on that issue, only exists in your imagination.
They are hard to find because nobody makes them any longer. Occasinally a used one turns up for sale.
All 589nm and 593nm pointers are DPSSL and only one company ever made/offered them CNI in China, Everyone offering were just reselling CNI pointers which no longer offers or makes them.
On Sept. 30th, 2015 CNI officially announced that laser pointer and portable laser series products for SLA purpose would be no longer exported to the U.S. "from Oct 1st, 2015. The incoming SLA orders from American customers will be rejected. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused!"
SInce 2019 CNI no longer shows any pointers or portables on their web site and Dragon Lasers, China a CNI reseller no longer sells them so...
Would assume they no longer make them or no longer accept new orders as CNI says but they will make and sell a 589nm module. Really, portables and pointers were a very minor/insignificant part of their business. CNI's real business being lab lasers and all of their other products. Pointers and portables became more trouble than they were worth especially with most all Countries making anything over 5mW amd some Countries 1mW, illegal to import or sell as items of commerce.
They will still make low power models like the GLP for old long established professional market Distributors/resellers like Laserglow Canada but most hobbist resellers who offered them now show them as "sold out" or "not in stock"
Laserglow still has a 589nm 5mW GLP pen listed for $689.00 if of interest to you
CNI does offer modules --you can ask them for a price and shipping on a 589nm module but it would not be cheap--last time I looked a PGL-H 589nm 80 to 100mW was approx $650 + $75 shipping you can see what they offer currently and ask them for price and delivery >>> here:
Dragon still offer some CNI modules--they have a 10mW 20% stablility 589nm listed at $400 here:
You would then need to get someone like Lifetime17 to make you a host. Would guess chances of anyone wanting to spend the time to evaluate fitting one to a Sanwu Striker to see if it can even be done with enough time and effort are minimial so...back to the mother ship. lol