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FrozenGate by Avery

Mirror tape

Jul 3, 2007
If i got a pair of normal glasses, Took the lenses out, And replaced them with mirrored tape, Would that protect me from 200mw green dx?

Nope. The mirrored tape, mirrored sunglasses, etc would do nothing to specifically block the 532nm wavelength, and would infact be more dangerous than not wearing any gear at all. It opens up your pupil, so that more light could actually enter your retina, thus earning you one or more blind spots. NOBODY should try to save the extra few bucks it takes in order to buy adequate protection for their eyes...Spend the extra $40 or $50 bucks.....you will be a LOT happier in the long run I am certain !
I think we need a sticky post here explaining why sunglasses, welding helmets, homemade "goggles" and everything else that is NOT a real laser safety lens is a bad idea. This whole section is flooded with posts from noobies asking these things, and more experienced people saying "Heck no!"
If you want to make a post like that Justin I will make it a sticky for you ;)
If i get time this week, I'll do some spectrometer runs and show just how futile sunglasses, welders goggles etc are for a laser.
I use my sunglasses that clip onto my glasses for cutting tape and lighting matches. Although they make it easier to look at the dot for cutting and lighting matches I know that if I get a direct or reflected hit from the laser I am screwed. So I never point my laser at anything that is remotely reflective or glossy in nature.

Best bet is to buy a pair of goggles rated for the wavelength that you are using. This will be my next buy :)
Greenie - you are opening yourself up to a dangerous amount of light that way, man - it is better to have NO protection than to use sunglasses - no joke !
Yea I know.. thats why I never use it around anything reflective. The only place I light or burn things is in my room against my walls that are painted in flat khaki. The sunglasses just make it easier for me to look at it.

I still need goggles though.
